Former Italian Prime Minister to Speak at SAIS
Former Italian Prime Minister to Speak at SAIS
Romano Prodi, the former prime minister of Italy, will speak at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on Tuesday, 11/24/1998, at 1 p.m.
Mr. Prodi's lecture topic will be "Italy and Europe in the Global Economy."
A professor of economics and industrial policy at the University of Bologna, Mr. Prodi served as Italy's prime minister from 05/1996 until 10/of this year. During his time in office, Italy was able to qualify for entry into the European Monetary Union. In addition, major changes were made in the Italian political and economic systems which have restored confidence in Italy's future both within and outside the country.
The lecture, open to the public, will be held in the Kenney Auditorium, located on the first floor of the Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.
For more information, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes at the SAIS Public Affairs Office at 202.663.5626 or