JHU SAIS to Host Conference on the Balkans
The Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) will hold a daylong conference, "Stabilizing and Reconciling the Balkans," on Tuesday, 10/23 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
This conference is the inaugural event of the Swiss Foundation for World Affairs, a new institute housed at SAIS.
Zarko Korac, deputy prime minister of the Republic of Serbia, will give the keynote address at 9:15 a.m. Expert panelists from academia, U.S. and Balkan government agencies, nonprofit organizations and the media will speak throughout the day during the following sessions. A complete agenda of speakers and topics is at the end of this advisory.
9 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
9:15 a.m. Keynote address by Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zarko Korac
10 a.m. International Engagement
11:30 a.m. Institution Building and Democratization
1:30 p.m. Economic Reconstruction
2:30 p.m. Reconciliation
5 p.m. Closing Remarks
The conference, free and open to the public, will be held in the Kenney Auditorium, first floor of the SAIS Nitze Building. Members of the public must register to attend the conference by e-mailing rbwashington@jhu.edu or calling 202.663.5722.
Members of the media who plan to cover this event should contact Felisa Neuringer in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at 202.663.5626 or fneuringer@jhu.edu
"Stabilizing and Reconciling the Balkans"
Conference on Tuesday, 10/23/2001
Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Paul H. Nitze Building / Kenney Auditorium
8:30 a.m. Coffee
9:00 Welcome and Introduction
Stephen Szabo
Interim Dean of SAIS
Christian Blickenstorfer
Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States
Edouard Brunner and Peter Ziegler
Chairman; Executive Director of the Swiss Foundation for World Affairs (respectively)
9:15 Opening address
Zarko Korac
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia
10:00 International Engagement
USA, Russia, UN, EU, NATO, OSCE: What future role in the Balkans?
James Pardew
Ambassador, Special Advisor for South Eastern Europe, U.S. Department of State
Ilya V. Gaiduk
Senior Research Fellow, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
Jonathan Davidson
Senior Advisor, Delegation of the European Commission in Washington
Edward P. Joseph
Visiting Scholar, SAIS; former senior official with UNPROFOR (Bosnia and Croatia), UNMIK (Kosovo) and OSCE
11:15 Coffee Break
11:30 Institution Building and Democratization
How to build new institutions in divided societies? How to enhance democracy in a multi-ethnic context?
Saso Ordanoski
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the news magazine "Forum" (Skopje); Director of the Forum-Center for Strategic Research & Documentation
Ruth Wedgwood
Edward B. Burling Professor of International Law and Organization, SAIS; Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
Wolf Linder
Professor, Center for the Study of Swiss Politics, University of Bern; author of "Swiss Democracy: Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies"
Chair morning session:
Jeffrey Smith
Associate Fellow, Remarque Institute, New York University; on sabbatical from "The Washington Post" (Southern Europe Bureau Chief)
12.30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 Economic Reconstruction
How to overcome the crisis of war-torn, formerly communist economies?
Ivan Vujacic
Professor of Economics, University of Belgrade; President of the Political Council of the Democratic Party
Karen Mathiesan
Director, Office of Central and Southeastern Europe, U.S. Treasury Department
Jean-Daniel Gerber
Head of the Swiss Federal Office for Refugees; former Executive Director in the World Bank
2:30 - Reconciliation
5:15 Can the Balkans (ever) be reconciled? Challenges, approaches, projects, new designs
Veton Surroi
Publisher of "KOHA Ditore" (Prishtina), the most influential Albanian newspaper in Kosovo
Sonja Biserko
Chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Belgrade
I. William Zartman
Jacob Blaustein Professor of International Organization and Conflict Resolution, SAIS
Kurt R. Spillmann
Professor, Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
Followed, after Coffee Break, by a discussion with the speakers from the Balkans and:
Ana Trisic-Babic
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Brenda Pearson
Senior Political Analyst, International Crisis Group; author of the ICG-Reports on Macedonia
Daniel Serwer
Director of the Balkans Initiative, United States Institute of Peace
Chair afternoon session:
Charles Gati
Professor in European Studies, SAIS
Concluding remarks
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Robert E. Osgood Professor of American Foreign Policy, SAIS; Center for Strategic and International Studies; former National Security Advisor to President Carter
Edouard Brunner
Ambassador, Chairman of the Swiss Foundation for World Affairs
RSVP: Robin Washington, Program Coordinator, 202-663-5722 or fax 202-663-5943 or email rbwashington@jhu.edu
For more information, contact Felisa Klubes in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at (202) 663-5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.