The Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) will serve as one of the U.S. hosts of the Global 24 World Financial Conference, "A New Financial Architecture for the 21st Century," on Thursday, 05/6. Decision-makers engaged in politics, the economy and finance from around the world will come together at this year's Global 24 World Financial Conference, simultaneously taking place in Washington, D.C., Frankfurt, London, Chicago and New York on 05/5 and 6. Each local conference will be linked via video communication technology, allowing for participation from all over the globe.
Three panel discussions will take place on 05/6. The Washington panelists will participate from SAIS.
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
International Finance: Cooperation or Competition?
Alan Murray, Washington bureau chief, The Wall Street Journal
Representative, U.S. Department of Treasury (TBA)
Rolf E. Breuer, chairman of the supervisory board, Deutsche B?se AG, speaker of theboard, Deutsche Bank AG, and Global 24 co-chairman (via Frankfurt)
Hans Eichel, minister of finance, Germany - INVITED (via Bonn)
Hans-Dietrich Genscher, former minister of foreign affairs, Germany (via Frankfurt)
Edward A.J. George, governor, Bank of England (via London)
David Malpass, senior managing director, Bearn Stearns & Co., Inc. (via N.Y.)
Lim Hng Kiang, second minister for finance, Singapore (via Singapore)
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
American Economic Policy for the Next Century (D.C. only)
Alan Murray
Lawrence Lindsey, Arthur F. Burns Chair, American Enterprise Institute
Robert Litan, director of economic studies program, Brookings Institution
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
From Inflation to Deflation?
Nigel Roberts, CNBC (via London)
Alice Rivlin, vice chair, Federal Reserve System
Yves-Thibault De Silguy, member, European Commission, Brussels (via Frankfurt)
Hans Tietmeyer, president, Deutsche Bundesbank (via Frankfurt)
Jean-Claude Trichet, governor, Banque de France, Paris (via Frankfurt)
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, president, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw (via Frankfurt)
The event, open to the public, will take place in the Kenney Auditorium of the school's Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Global 24 is sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG, Dresdner Bank AG, Deutsche B?se AG and Deutsche Telekom AG.
For more information, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes at the SAIS Public Affairs Office at 202.663.5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.