JHU SAIS Opens New Center for Transatlantic Relations
Washington, D.C.-11/8/2001-The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University has created a new Center for Transatlantic Relations dedicated to a modern European-American agenda keyed to the challenges of a globalizing world.
"The daily agenda of transatlantic relations today is defined increasingly less by what Americans do for Europeans in Europe and more by what Europeans and Americans together can and must do in the wider world, to meet a range of challenges no single nation can meet alone," says SAIS Professor Daniel Hamilton, the new center director. "The 09/11 terrorist attack on the United States is the most horrific example of this fact. The transatlantic partnership is the core of the international coalition to fight global terrorism. When we agree across the Atlantic, we are the drive wheel of global progress on almost any issue. When we disagree, we are the global brake."
The center, which also has just been recognized by the European Commission as one of a select number of Centers for European Union Studies in the United States, will engage European and American opinion leaders, scholars, students and the public on this new agenda through education, research, media programming and policy outreach. Activities will include conferences, lectures, publications, media programs and policy study groups.
Hamilton has been involved in transatlantic relations on both sides of the Atlantic as a government official, think tank executive, media consultant and scholar. Most recently, he was deputy assistant secretary of State for European Affairs, U.S. special coordinator for Southeast European Stabilization, and associate director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff for Secretaries Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright. The center will be housed at the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute.
SAIS is one of the country's leading graduate schools devoted to the study of international relations. Located along Embassy Row in Washington's Dupont Circle area, the school enrolls more than 450 full-time graduate students and mid-career professionals and has trained more than 10,000 alumni in all aspects of international affairs.
For more information, contact Felisa Klubes in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at (202) 663-5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.