JHU SAIS Publishes SAIS Review Issue on Trade
Washington, D.C.-04/4/2002 - The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) recently published the Winter-Spring 2002 issue of SAIS Review, "Rotten Trade: How Will the Free Trade System Deal with Trade in Goods That Are Legal Yet Lethal?"
Featured articles include:
· "Deconstructing Rotten Trade," by Jagdish Bhagwati, a Columbia University professor and international economics fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
· "Social Capital and Development: The Coming Agenda," by Francis Fukuyama, the Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of International Political Economy at SAIS (article available online)
· "The Ends of the Body: Commodity Fetishism and the Global Traffic in Organs" by Nancy Scheper-Hughes, a professor of anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley
· "Stolen Goods: Coltan and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo," by Dena Montague, research associate for the Arms Trade Resource Project at the World Policy Institute
Go to www.saisreview.org for further details about the "Rotten Trade" issue of SAIS Review. To order a printed copy of the journal, contact the Johns Hopkins University Press at 1.800.548.1784 or jlorder@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu. SAIS Review is a journal of international affairs produced twice yearly by the Foreign Policy Institute at SAIS.