Publication of New Issue of SAISPHERE Magazine
The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) has published the 2009 issue of its annual magazine, SAISPHERE. In this year's issue we asked several members of the SAIS faculty, scholar, alumni and student community to explore the theme, "Religion's Grasp on World Affairs" to coincide with our "Year of Religion."
Main feature articles include:
- "Religion and International Affairs" by John Hamre
- "Religion and War" by Eliot A. Cohen
- "'Moderate Islam' in Turkey" by Svante E. Cornell
- "Religion as Identity Politics" by Francis Fukuyama
- "Groupthink: Religion, Identity and Violent Conflict" by P. Terrence Hopmann
- "Politics and Religion in Africa" by Peter M. Lewis
- "Europe: Liberty for All?" by Susanna Mancini and Michel Rosenfeld
- "Islam's Freedom Deficit" by Joshua Muravchik
- "Shaping a Nation: Secular and Religious Intellectuals in Iran" by Azar Nafisi
- "Religion Is Everything" by Camille Pecastaing
- "The Changing Face of the Church in Latin America" by Riordan Roett
- "China's Religious Resurgence" by Anne F. Thurston
- "The Long History of Islam in China" by Hua Tao
- "Faith and Foreign Policy in America" by Ruth Wedgwood
- "Pakistan: Between Secularism and Shariah" by Joshua T. White
· "Indonesia: Beacon of Democracy for the Muslim World?" by Paul D. Wolfowitz
To request a printed copy of SAISPHERE, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes at or 202.663.5626.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Press Release Type:
Contact Person:
Felisa Neuringer Klubes
(202) 663.5626