SAIS Publishes 2006 Issue of SAISPHERE Magazine
TO: Reporters/Editors
RE: Publication of 2006 Issue of SAISPHERE Magazine
The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) this week published the 2006 issue of its annual magazine, SAISPHERE. In this year's issue we asked several members of the SAIS faculty and scholar community to explore the theme, "China Rising." The authors examine the critical issues related to China's rapidly growing influence and the challenges and opportunities this presents to the United States and the global community.
Main feature articles include:
"China: Outward Bound But Inner-Directed" by David M. Lampton
"China's Economic Boom: What Does It Mean for the Rest of the World?" by Pieter Bottelier
"What About Taiwan?" by David G. Brown
"China and Japan's Sweet and Sour Relationship" by Kent E. Calder
"Europe: China's Muse?" by David P. Calleo
"Man at the Top" by Carla Freeman
"China Battles Global Health Threats" by Janie Hsieh
"Going for the Gold in Science and Technology" by Kenneth H. Keller
"China in Africa" by Peter Lewis
"Victims' Rights" by Mohamed Y. Mattar
"Degrees of Change: Aiming for World-Class Higher Education" by Kathryn Mohrman
"Korea: Living in the Dragon's Shadow" by Don Oberdorfer
"Russia's China Problem" by Bruce Parrott
"Looking to Latin America" by Riordan Roett
"Energy: Confrontation or Cooperation?" by Jaspal Singh Sindharth
"The Other China" by Anne F. Thurston
"The Dragon Stalks the Middle East" by Sanam Vakil
To request a printed copy of SAISPHERE, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes at or 202.663.5626.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Press Release Type:
Contact Person:
Felisa Neuringer Klubes
(202) 663.5626