White House National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers to Speak at JHU SAIS
Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council and assistant to the president for economic policy, will speak at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on Monday, 05/24 at 11 a.m.
Summers will speak about "Reflections on Fiscal Policy and Economic Strategy."
The lecture is open to the members of the SAIS community and invited guests only. However, the event is open to the media for coverage.
SAIS also will host a live Webcast of the event accessible at www.sais-jhu.edu.
Members of the media who plan to cover the event should respond to Felisa Neuringer Klubes at the SAIS Communications Office at 202.663.5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Press Release Type:
Contact Person:
Felisa Neuringer Klubes
Zip Code:
(202) 663.5626