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Faculty Directory

    • Narges Bajoghli
      Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, Faculty Lead, The Middle East Focus Area
    • John P. Banks
      Senior Lecturer, Faculty Co-Lead, Development, Climate, and Sustainability Focus Area
    • David Barno
      Professor of Practice, Senior Fellow, The Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies
    • Olga Belogolova
      Lecturer, Director, Emerging Technologies Initiative, Faculty Co-Lead, Technology and Innovation Focus Area
    • Nora Bensahel
      Professor of Practice, Senior Fellow, The Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies 
    • Gordon Bodnar
      Morris W. Offit Professor of International Finance, Director of the Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance
    • Hal Brands
      Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor
    • Anna Broughel
      Lecturer, Faculty Co-Lead, Technology and Innovation Focus Area
    • David Bulman
      Jill McGovern and Steven Muller Assistant Professor of China Studies and International Affairs