The Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins SAIS to host book release for “The Transatlantic Digital Economy 2017” on Tuesday, June 27, 2017
The digital economy evokes the sense of a seamless global marketplace. But reality is different. The digital revolution may be global in its reach, but it is uneven in its effects.
Connections matter in the digital world, and some countries and continents are connecting more than others. Cross-border data flows between the United States and Europe are the highest in the world. Digital transformation is becoming the single most important means for both sides of the Atlantic to reinforce their bonds, as well as better position themselves for global competition and dominance.
This just published book, The Transatlantic Digital Economy 2017: How and Why it Matters for the United States, Europe and the World, studies the data behind transatlantic digital trade and investment volumes. The author, Dan Hamilton, is the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Dr. Hamilton, who has co-authored an annual survey on transatlantic economy since 2005, draws insights in the book from more than a decade of expertise and first-hand research. He is available to discuss highlights from the book including:
- Digitally-enabled services between the U.S. and Europe have become critical to the competitiveness of manufacturing and retail operations on each side of the Atlantic.
- Advanced economies are nine times more connected to information and data flows than emerging economies. Digital connections between continents are thickest between Europe and North America.
- Nearly half of all U.S. companies have an online trading relationship with the EU, and almost half say that Europe is the region outside North America where they focus their cross-border strategy first
- Europe is not only the world’s most globally connected region, 8 of the world’s 10 most connected countries are European. Europe and North America account for 21 of the top 30 most connected countries.
- The U.S. exported $180 billion in digitally-enabled services to Europe in 2015, and imported $109.1 billion, generating a trade surplus with Europe in this area of $71 billion. The U.S. is the largest supplier of digitally-enabled services to Europe.
A book release event featuring U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen and U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene will be held on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 from 8:30 – 10 a.m. at the United States House of Representatives, Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2020, Washington, D.C. 20515. Media who wish to attend should RSVP through the online registration form.
Read more: The Transatlantic Digital Economy 2017: How and Why it Matters for the United States, Europe and the World
Media Contact
Heidi Obermeyer
Administrative Coordinator
Center for Transatlantic Relations
202.663.5882 office
About the Center for Transatlantic Relations
The Center for Transatlantic Relations engages international scholars, students, government officials, parliamentarians, journalists, business executives and other opinion leaders on contemporary challenges facing Europe and North America. The goal of the center is to strengthen and reorient transatlantic relations to the dynamics of a globalizing world. It is an integral part of the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), one of America’s leading graduate schools devoted to the study of international relations. Center activities include seminars, policy study groups and research projects, media programs and web-based educational and policy efforts.
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About Johns Hopkins SAIS
A division of Johns Hopkins University, the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is a global institution that offers students an international perspective on today's critical issues. For nearly 75 years, Johns Hopkins SAIS has produced great leaders, thinkers, and practitioners of international relations. Public leaders and private sector executives alike seek the counsel of the faculty, whose ideas and research inform and shape policy. Johns Hopkins SAIS offers a global perspective across three campus locations: Bologna, Italy; Nanjing, China; and Washington, D.C. The school’s interdisciplinary curriculum is strongly rooted in the study of international economics, international relations, and regional studies, preparing students to address multifaceted challenges in the world today.
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