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China-Africa expert available to discuss Xi Jinping's Africa trip, July 19-27

Janet Eom, expert at the China-Africa Research Initiative, available to discuss Chinese engagements in Africa in the context of President Xi's trip to Africa as part of the BRICS summit
July 17, 2018
Xi Jinping will visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Senegal, Rwanda, and South Africa July 19–24 before attending the 10th BRICS summit held in Johannesburg July 25–27 and will then stop by Mauritius. Janet Eom of the China-Africa Research Initiative (SAIS-CARI) at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), is available to discuss China's engagement in Africa in the context of the summit and the Belt and Road Initiative more broadly.
As CARI Research Associate, Eom is a distinguished expert on China-Africa relations. One of the first recipients of the Schwarzman Scholarship at Tsinghua University and former Research Manager at SAIS-CARI, Eom is an author and academic whose work has appeared in Foreign Policy, the Washington Post, ChinaFile, and more. She has also authored and led the publication of working papers and policy briefs at SAIS-CARI. Before joining SAIS-CARI, Janet Eom researched the impact on society, environment, and labor relations of Chinese activity in Africa at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing. She has worked on China-Africa issues in the Strategy and Policy Unit of the Office of the President in Rwanda.
Ms. Eom is available to discuss:
- What is China really doing in Africa?
- What is China's involvement in the countries to be visited by President Xi (Senegal, Rwanda, South Africa, Mauritius)?
- What are the security implications of China's growing military presence in some African countries?
- How does Africa fit into BRICS?
- How does Africa fit into the Belt and Road Initiative?
- How will the China-U.S. trade war affect Chinese policies towards Africa and how China might weather the trade war with those policies?
Media Contact
Marie Foster
Program Coordinator, China Africa Research Initiative
Johns Hopkins SAIS
+1 202-663-5962 office
Winslow Robertson
Communications Assistant
China-Africa Research Initiative
About the SAIS China Africa Research Initiative
The SAIS China Africa Research Initiative (SAIS-CARI) was launched in 2014 at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) to promote evidence-based understanding of the relations between China and African countries through high quality data collection, field research, conferences, and collaboration.
The mission of SAIS-CARI is promoting research, conducting evidence-based analysis, fostering collaboration, and training future leaders to better understand the economic and political dimensions of China-Africa relations and their implications for human security and global development.
For more information, visit the China-Africa Research Initiative or @SaisCari
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Tuesday, July 17, 2018
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