The EU Migration Crisis
October 8, 2015
Michel Gabaudan, President of Refugees International, Ambassador Reka Szemerkenyi of Hungary and Ambassador Peter Wittig of the Federal Republic of Germany were holding a discussion on the current migration crisis facing the European Union. Moderated by Maureen White, the panelists were discussing the challenges faced in their countries due to the rising influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa and how to best deal with the difficult situation. Moreover, they talked about how Europe should best respond and prepare for the rising number of refugees but also talk about a strategy on how to address the difficulties in the Middle East.
Both Ambassador Szemerkenyi and Ambassador Wittig had very interesting perspectives on the migration crisis, its effects, and the possible solutions. Both recognized the need for action on some level, and all recognized that the roots causes of the problem in Syria have to be addressed if a long-term, sustainable resolution is to be reached.
Panelists discuss a migration crisis in Europe, October 8, 2015.