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Expert available to discuss upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, September 3-4


Janet Eom, Research Associate at the China-Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins SAIS, available to discuss the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), to be held in Beijing on September 3-4, 2018
August 28, 2018
The 7th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing from September 3 to 4, 2018. Since 2000, the FOCAC has been held every three years. It serves as the official summit between the Chinese president and African heads of state, and results in major policy and financing announcements for China-Africa relations. Janet Eom of the China-Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), is available to discuss findings from CARI's official briefing paper on FOCAC, published yesterday. As a lead author, she can discuss progress on commitments made during the 2015 FOCAC, and trends expected to emerge from the 2018 FOCAC, which will shape the China-Africa relationship in coming years.
As CARI Research Associate, and former Research Manager, Eom is a distinguished expert on China-Africa relations. Eom is an academic and author whose work has appeared in Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, The Diplomat, and more. She has authored and led the publication of working papers and policy briefs at CARI, and has been responsible for CARI's field research conducted by 35 researchers in over 12 African countries. Before joining CARI, Eom researched the impact on society, environment, and labor relations of Chinese activity in Africa at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Beijing. She has also worked on China-Africa issues in the Strategy and Policy Unit of the Office of the President in Rwanda. She holds a Bachelor's degree from Harvard University, and a Master's degree from Tsinghua University in Beijing, where she was a Schwarzman Scholar.
Ms. Eom is available to discuss: 

  • Are Chinese loans a major contributor to debt distress in Africa?
  • How does Africa play into trade tensions between the US and China?
  • What kind of Chinese loans and investment will the 2018 FOCAC pledge, and for what types of projects?
  • What impact will FOCAC 2018 have on China-Africa trade? 
  • Why is capacity-building as well as peace and security gaining importance in the China-Africa relationship? How will these issues be discussed at FOCAC?
  • What new areas of China-Africa cooperation are emerging?

Media Contact
Marie Foster
Program Coordinator, China-Africa Research Initiative
Johns Hopkins SAIS
+1 202-663-5962 office

About the SAIS China-Africa Research Initiative
The SAIS China-Africa Research Initiative (SAIS-CARI) was launched in 2014 at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) to promote evidence-based understanding of the relations between China and African countries through high quality data collection, field research, conferences, and collaboration.
The mission of SAIS-CARI is promoting research, conducting evidence-based analysis, fostering collaboration, and training future leaders to better understand the economic and political dimensions of China-Africa relations and their implications for human security and global development.
For more information, visit the China-Africa Research Initiative or @SaisCari
About Johns Hopkins SAIS
A division of Johns Hopkins University, the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is a global institution that offers students an international perspective on today’s critical issues. For 75 years, Johns Hopkins SAIS has produced great leaders, thinkers, and practitioners of international relations. Public leaders and private sector executives alike seek the counsel of the faculty, whose ideas and research inform and shape policy. Johns Hopkins SAIS offers a global perspective across three campus locations: Bologna, Italy; Nanjing, China; and Washington, D.C. The school's interdisciplinary curriculum is strongly rooted in the study of international economics, international relations, and regional studies, preparing students to address multifaceted challenges in the world.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2018
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