Gaining Expertise in Youth and Rural Development

Fatou Sow
MAIR '21
First Year: SAIS Europe
One of the aspects that drew Fatou to apply to Johns Hopkins SAIS was the unique student body, comprised of individuals from diverse backgrounds and professional work experiences. If Fatou could use one phrase to describe her student cohort experience it would be “one-of-a-kind.” Her fellow classmates hail from all over the world. She appreciates that they have not only exposed her to their various cultures and enjoyable habits, but also to their knowledge and backgrounds. Fatou can say that she has equally learned through her classmates as she has in her courses. She is confident that each of them will make their mark on the world whether it be locally, nationally or globally.
This past summer, Fatou had the opportunity to virtually intern with Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)’s Senegal Compact Project that is focused on bringing more electricity to homes in Dakar and rural areas. Her assignments included establishing communications strategies, working with entry-into-force events, and supporting the government of Senegal. Fatou believes that her studies at Johns Hopkins SAIS better prepared her to take on these assignments by pushing her to be a global citizen and equipping her with the tools needed to successfully complete her internship. One example is a course that she took on rural development, which provided her with a strong understanding on how international organizations play a large role in creating more sustainable lives in communities across the world.
After graduating from the school, Fatou is interested in focusing on youth and rural development. Throughout her life, she has participated in programs, trips, and organizations that have uplifted youth and created opportunities for others to apply their newly found skillsets. Specifically, her goal is to work in Senegal or a francophone African country with youth, particularly young women. With sub-Saharan Africa’s increasing youth population, Fatou foresees this population being extremely important to a growing workforce. She truly believes that there are many opportunities in the diaspora to be a part of something bigger than all of us and she looks forward to adding to the legacy of her ancestors by connecting the Black diaspora together.
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