In The News: May 9, 2024
‘In the News’ is a roundup of recent media coverage featuring the Johns Hopkins SAIS community and is produced and distributed by the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Free Water, Housing, Food: Modi's $400bn Welfare Bet to Win Indian Elections. Starr Foundation Professor of South Asian Studies Devesh Kapur quoted in BBC, 5/8
Philippines First, India Later, As U.S. Prioritizes 'Squad' Allies. Director of the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies Kent Calder quoted in Nikkei Asia, 5/8
Sinwar's Last Stand: IDF Enters Rafah. Senior Fellow of the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on DW News, 5/7
The Latest Developments in Gaza. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on Times Radio, 5/7
China’s Mideast Peacemaker Drive Signals ‘Major’ Post-War Ambitions in the Region: Analysts. HNC Resident Professor of International Politics David Arase quoted in the South China Morning Post, 5/6
All Politics Are Local in Erdogan’s Turkey. Assistant Professor Lisel Hintz quoted in Aegean Monthly, 5/6
The Story Behind 2022'S Secret Ukraine-Russia Peace Negotiations. Wilson E. Schmidt Distinguished Professor at SAIS Europe Sergey Radchenko interviewed on NPR, 5/6
The New Propaganda War. Senior Fellow at SAIS and the SNF Agora Institute Anne Applebaum wrote in The Atlantic, 5/6
Ceasefire Fever. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on Sky News, 5/6
Israel-Hamas: Gaza Ceasefire Talks Intensify in Cairo. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on Global News, 5/5
Why Switzerland’s Ukraine Peace Summit Might Struggle With No-Shows Concerns. Sergey Radchenko quoted in Euroactiv, 5/5
Vuković: Insistiranjem na individualizaciji krivice se zapravo amnestiraju zločinački sistemi. (Montenegrin) Senior Lecturer and Director of the Master of Arts in Global Policy Sinisa Vukovic interviewed in Pobjeda, 5/5
Intervistë | Anëtarësimi në KiE dhe Asociacioni, profesori në John Hopkins: S’ka garanci që Beogradi zbaton marrëveshje edhe pas tij. (Albanian) Sinisa Vukovic interviewed in Nacionale, 5/4
Israel Gives Hamas A Week's Deadline. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on BBC Weekend, 5/4
Iran’s Official Line on Exchange With Israel: Deterrence Restored. James Anderson Adjunct Professor of Middle East Studies at SAIS Europe Sanam Vakil quoted in The Christian Science Monitor, 5/3
Don’t Hype the Disinformation Threat. Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of Alperovich Institute for Cybersecurity Studies Thomas Rid, Director of the Emerging Technologies Initiative and Lecturer Olga Belogolova, Adjunct Lecturer Lee Foster, and Adjunct Lecturer Gavin Wilde wrote in Foreign Affairs, 5/3
Vuković: Protestima Studenata Palestinsko Pitanje Dobilo Na Značaju U Sad-u. (Bosnian) Sinisa Vukovic interviewed on Al Jazeera Balkans, 5/2
After Iranian Rapper Sentenced To Death, Regime Might Make 'An Example' Of Him, Warns Expert. Sanam Vakil interviewed on CNN, 5/2
Deal or No Deal: Will Hamas Free the Hostages? Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on BBC News, 5/1
Putin Isn’t Scared of Ukraine’s $61 Billion Boost. Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor Hal Brands wrote in Bloomberg, 5/1
Ukraine and A Fractured World. Hal Brands wrote in War on the Rocks, 5/1
U.S, China Stumble on Hamas in Efforts to Seek Peace in Middle East. Aronson Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies Sarah Parkinson quoted in Voice of America, 5/1
Rafah or Raisi? Israel’s Big Choice. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on Sky News, 4/30
Ucrania Acusa a Rusia de Usar Municiones de Racimo En Ataque Contra Odesa. (Spanish) Adjunct Lecturer Jeffrey Pryce interviewed on Ahora con Oscar Haza, 4/30
Rethinking Democracy Ep. 2: What is the Rule of Law? Majid Khadduri Professor of Middle East Studies and International Affairs Vali Nasr interviewed on the Middle East Institute's Rethinking Democracy podcast, 4/30
Will U.S. Aid Change the Trajectory of the War in Ukraine? Hal Brands interviewed in The Hub, 4/30
This Social Sciences Hub Galvanized India’s Dynamic Growth. Can It Survive? Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Professor of Energy Resources and Environment and Founding Director of the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy Johannes Urpelainen quoted in Nature, 4/30
Blackjack. Adjunct Lecturer Albert Marckwardt wrote in Small Wars Journal, 4/29
Kako do primirja u Gazi? | Kontekst. (Bosnian) Sinisa Vukovic interviewed on Al Jazeera Balkans, 4/29
To the Moon, Mars and Beyond: Could China’s Soaring Space Ambitions Be Hampered By Earthly Factors? Adjunct Assistant Professor Svetla Ben-Itzhak quoted in Channel News Asia, 4/29
Daily Cuts - Pro-Palestinian Protests at US Universities: How They Began And Escalated. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed in Channel News Asia, 4/29
Abbas: Only Hamas Can Stop Israel Operation in Rafah. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on Sky News, 4/28
The Giants of the Economists’ Century. Professor Emeritus Michael Mandelbaum wrote in American Purpose, 4/29
The West Should Not Aim for Containment. It Should Aim for a Principled Landing. American Co-Director of the Hopkins-Nanjing Center (HNC) and HNC Resident Professor of Political Science Adam Webb wrote in Landmarks Magazine, 4/29
Aspiraciones Territoriales, Tomas De Embajadas Y Una Retahíla De Insultos, ¿Está En Crisis La Diplomacia En América Latina? (Spanish) Adjunct Professor Cynthia Arnson quoted in Voice of America, 4/26
What is the US Endgame in Iran? Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on Sky News, 4/25
Trump and Biden Both Say They’re Tough on China. But Whom Would Beijing Prefer to Deal With? Henry M. and Elizabeth Wiesenfeld Professor in Political Economy Ho-Fung Hung quoted in The Los Angeles Times, 4/25
Në Ankth Për Ballkanin, Shba-Ja Aspiron Angazhim Të Shtuar. (Albanian) Adjunct Lecturer and FPI Senior Fellow Edward Joseph quoted in Radio Evropa, 4/22
Protests in Tehran's Capital, Iran. Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on BBC Weekend, 4/20
Jeffrey Pryce analiza la situación bélica en torno a Israel y Ucrania. Jeffrey Pryce interviewed on Actualidad Radio, 4/19
Bibi: "He Who Delivers the First Blow Wins." Laura Blumenfeld interviewed on BBC News, 4/15 ‘We Have Woken Up to A New Paradigm in The Middle East’ Following Iran-Israel Escalation, Analyst Says. Sanam Vakil quoted in CNBC, 4/15
Crackdowns On US College Protests Serve Only To Disenfranchise Youth and Miss the Point. FPI Senior Fellow and Executive Director of the North Africa Initiative Hafed Al-Ghwell wrote in Arab News, 5/4
There and Back and There Again: U.S. Military Bases in the Philippines. SAIS PhD student Shawn Harding wrote in the US Naval Institute Magazine, 5/1
US Keeping Status Quo on Taiwan Policy Is ‘Vitally Important’, Senior American Diplomat Testifies. SAIS alumna '21 Bochen Han wrote in the South China Morning Post, 5/1
How the US Can Set Standards on International Deep-Sea Mineral Mining. FPI Senior Fellow James Borton and SAIS alumnus '23 David Hessen wrote in the South China Morning Post, 5/1
Youth Delegates Issue Declaration For Reparatory Justice at United Nations. SAIS MAIA student '25 Sumaya Elkashif quoted in The Hilltop, 4/30
Euroviews. A Weak, Kremlin-Influenced Libya is a Threat to Nato and European Security. Hafed Al-Ghwell wrote in Euro News, 4/29
Will A New Embassy Mean A New Approach For the US in Libya? Hafed Al-Ghwell quoted in Arab News, 4/29
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