JHU SAIS Center Publishes Special Sports and Travel Issue of Transatlantic Magazine
Transatlantic: Europe, America & the World, published by the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), has just released its special summer issue.
The title of this special sports and travel issue is "Soccer or Football? Why Do Europeans and Americans View Sports So Differently."
Michael Mandelbaum, director of the SAIS American Foreign Policy Program, is interviewed on his new book, The Meaning of Sports, and tells us why Americans prefer football, baseball and basketball to soccer.
Transatlantic analyzes why Europeans, Asians, Africans and Latin Americans are crazy about soccer and why Americans are more blasé about the world's sport.
The magazine interviews the mayor of Athens to get her up-to-the-minute views on the summer Olympics now being held in Greece.
Kerin Hope, writing from Athens, says the Olympics are "first and last a celebration." In addition to discussing the sporting events, Transatlantic examines the security provided by NATO for the summer games and explores the idea of an "Olympic Truce," looking into the history of this ancient idea which is quite relevant today.
Transatlantic also profiles Germany, featuring an article by Stephen Szabo, SAIS professor of European studies, who tells why "Germany is looking for a new role in the world," and how this will dramatically affect U.S.-German relations in the future. In addition, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer speaks out on Europe and America's role in transforming the broader Middle East.
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer presents his views on the proposed EU constitution and tells how it would differ from the U.S. constitution.
In the its business section, Transatlantic also explains why the price of gasoline is going up at the pump, why U.S. and European firms are still flocking to do business in Eastern Europe, and the role of German companies in Charlotte, N.C.
Travel highlights include a look at singers who can't sing in Stockholm; dancing gondolas in Venice; sandy Santorini and festivals in Dubrovnik and Edinburgh. One of Transatlantic's writers explores Estonia on her recent honeymoon while another journalist shares his bicycling adventure across the new European nations.
Published bimonthly, the focus of this new publication is to explore and explain issues confronting the United States and Europe in an increasingly globalized world.
For information about subscribing to Transatlantic, call Robert J. Guttman, the editor-in-chief, at 202.587.3235 or e-mailrguttman@jhu.edu.