Johns Hopkins SAIS and Duke University to host “Reflections on Civil-Military Relations: Crises, Comparisons, & Paradoxes,” on February 11, 2020 in Washington, DC
The JHU SAIS Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies and Duke University’s Program in American Grand Strategy will host the 2020 conference on civil-military relations, “Reflections on Civil-Military Relations: Crises, Comparisons, & Paradoxes,” at Johns Hopkins SAIS on February 11, 2020.
The conference will seek to educate attendees on the history of civil-military relations, particularly the legacies of leadership, cultural change, and policy shifts during wartime. Participants will present various aspects of current civil-military relations debates, examine civil-military relations beyond the United States, and present discussions on national service. Additionally, discussions will focus on leadership, ethics, and morals within military and civilian command, and national service more broadly.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
12:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks
12:20 p.m.
Panel 1: What We've Inherited: Crises in Civil-Military Relations
1:40 p.m.
Panel 2: Civil-Military Relations Beyond the United States
3:00 p.m.
Panel 3: The Future of National Service
4:10 p.m.
Closing Remarks: Managing Paradoxes of American Civil-Military Relations
7:30 p.m.
War on the Rocks live podcast recording
Additional information is available within the full agenda.
Time and Date
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Johns Hopkins SAIS
Kenney-Herter Auditorium
1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036
Please note: The event is open to the public and print media, with registration. Members of the working press can request to cover the event by selecting "Media" on the online registration form. Final media access will be confirmed at least one day prior to the event.
Media Contacts
Jason Lucas
Communications Manager
Johns Hopkins SAIS
office: +1 (202) 663-5620
mobile: +1 (202) 422-2652
About the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies
The Philip Merrill Center explores the relationship between politics and the many kinds of military power, aiming to promote dialogue and innovative research on pressing national security issues. The Merrill Center develops educational materials and provides opportunities for university and professional teachers to develop skills in this field. As a center for strategic thought, it focuses on the relationship between history and policy, bringing together practitioners, scholars, and journalists to explore issues of intellectual substance and practical consequence.
The Merrill Center sponsors conferences and small seminars discussing contemporary security issues and strategic thinking on the broad challenges the U.S. faces today and will face in the future. In addition, the Merrill Center brings outside speakers to the Johns Hopkins SAIS community.
For more information, visit, @SAISStrat (Twitter) or @SAISStrategicStudies (Facebook).
About Duke University Program in American Grand Strategy
The Duke University Program in American Grand Strategy's mission is to prepare the next generation of strategists by studying past generations and interacting with current strategic leaders. The program strives to build a research community of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates who are committed to deepening their understanding of America’s role in the world – past, present and future. For more information,
About Johns Hopkins SAIS
A division of Johns Hopkins University, the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is a global institution that offers students an international perspective on today's critical issues. For 75 years, Johns Hopkins SAIS has produced great leaders, thinkers, and practitioners of international relations. Public leaders and private sector executives alike seek the counsel of the faculty, whose ideas and research inform and shape policy. Johns Hopkins SAIS offers a global perspective across three campus locations: Bologna, Italy; Nanjing, China; and Washington, D.C. The school's interdisciplinary curriculum is strongly rooted in the study of international economics, international relations, and regional studies, preparing students to address multifaceted challenges in the world today.
For more information, visit or on Twitter @SAISHopkins