Johns Hopkins SAIS Dean and Faculty and Academic Board Member Serve on JHU’s UPAAC

Eliot A. Cohen, Dean of Johns Hopkins SAIS, and Carlos A. Vegh, Fred H. Sanderson Professor of International Economics and member of the school’s academic board, are currently serving on Johns Hopkins University Pandemic Academic Advisory Committee (UPAAC), a cross-divisional academic leadership group that works collaboratively with the university’s president and provost, lending critical faculty perspectives to urgent discussions about how to safely and effectively pursue JHU’s educational, research, and clinical missions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The committee supplements the ongoing work of faculty in the JHU 2020 Planning workgroups, ensuring that all divisions’ unique faculty needs and concerns are considered. Committee members convene regularly to provide input on academic activities, associated budgetary impacts, and guidance documents being prepared for the university community; and help educate their peers on key decisions as they are made.