Johns Hopkins SAIS to host “Blue Boundaries: The Geopolitics of the Ocean Economy,” September 26 in Washington, DC
“Blue Boundaries: The Geopolitics of the Ocean Economy” will be hosted at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on September 26. The event is presented by the school’s Energy, Resources and Environment (ERE) program in conjunction with the UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform.
This half-day event will feature a presentation and panel discussion on the sustainable use of ocean resources such as oil, minerals, and gas for economic growth. Additionally, the event will address the following question: Will the geopolitics of the ocean lead to a destructive competition for resources or stronger global cooperation?
Eliot A. Cohen
Dean, Johns Hopkins University
Part I: Presentation: Century of the Ocean - Will the need for Ocean Resources be a race to the bottom or strengthen global cooperation?
Sturla Henriksen
Special Advisor, Ocean. UN Global Compact
Johan Bergenas
Senior Director for Public Policy, Vulcan Inc.
Part II: Panel Discussion: Ocean Masters or Disasters - How will the Blue Continents shape the World Order?
Sherri Goodman
Senior Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center
Ulf Sverdrup
Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Sally Yozell
Senior Fellow and Director of the Environmental Security Program, Stimson Center
Time and Date
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Johns Hopkins SAIS
Kenney Herter Auditorium
1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036
The event is open to the public and media, with registration. Members of the working press can request to cover the event by selecting "Media" on the online registration form. Final media access will be confirmed at least one day prior to the event. Pre-authorized camera setup will only be permitted from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Please note: Interviews with event participants may only be conducted within Kenney Herter Auditorium.
Media Contact
Jason Lucas
Communications Manager
Johns Hopkins SAIS
+1 (202) 663-5620 office
+1 (202) 422-2652 mobile
About the Speakers
Johan Bergenas is Senior Director for Public Policy at Vulcan Inc. At Vulcan, he covers environmental and security issues. Bergenas was previously a senior associate and program director at the Stimson Center, a leading U.S. national security think tank. He has also held positions with the Monterey Institute, Oxfam, and Linkoping University.
Sherri Goodman is a Senior Fellow at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and Polar Institute, and is credited with educating a generation of U.S. military and government officials about the nexus between climate change and national security, using her famous coinage, “threat multiplier,” to fundamentally reshape the national discourse on the topic. A former first Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Environmental Security) and staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Goodman has founded, led, or advised nearly a dozen research organizations on environmental and energy matters, national security, and public policy.
Sturla Henriksen is an acclaimed international speaker and commentator on a broad range of global maritime-related topics. He was appointed Special Advisor on Oceans to the UN Global Compact in 2018. Prior to his UN Special Advisor appointment, he served for ten years as CEO of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, which is the trade-, employers- and contingency-association for one of the world’s largest and most advanced merchant and offshore fleets. Henriksen has served at the boards of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA), and as Deputy Chairman of the DNVGL Council. He has been member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Arctic.
Ulf Sverdrup is the Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). He has published extensively on various topics in international politics, with a particular emphasis on European politics, European integration, and Norwegian foreign policy. Sverdrup was the head of the Secretariat for the Official Norwegian Europe Review which assessed the impacts and implications of Norway’s agreements with the EU. He has been a Jean Monnet fellow at the European University Institute, a Visiting scholar at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, and he has also worked as senior advisor in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sally Yozell is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Environmental Security program at the Stimson Center. Yozell’s research examines the suite of environmental threats that have the potential to undermine national, regional, or global security. Her work focuses on ocean security, climate security and wildlife protection. Yozell served in an advisory role for the Our Ocean Conferences – providing advice to the European Union in 2017, the Indonesian government in 2018, and currently is an advisor to the Norwegian Government for the Our Ocean Conference 2019 in Oslo. Prior to joining Stimson, Yozell was a Senior Advisor to Secretary of State John Kerry where she provided advice and technical expertise to advance U.S. policies in the international arena related to ocean, climate, and wildlife protection.
About Johns Hopkins SAIS
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is a global institution that offers students an international perspective on today's critical issues. For 75 years, Johns Hopkins SAIS has produced great leaders, thinkers, and practitioners of international relations. Public leaders and private sector executives alike seek the counsel of the faculty, whose ideas and research inform and shape policy. Johns Hopkins SAIS offers a global perspective across three campus locations: Bologna, Italy; Nanjing, China; and Washington, D.C. The school's interdisciplinary curriculum is strongly rooted in the study of international economics, international relations, and regional studies, preparing students to address multifaceted challenges in the world today.
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