Launch of new database on Chinese loans to Africa at "How Chinese Money is Transforming Africa: It’s Not What You Think" on April 21, 2016
The China-Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is launching a new database of Chinese loans to Africa at a policy roundtable, "How Chinese Money is Transforming Africa: It’s Not What You Think." As part of SAIS-CARI's China-Africa Week, the initiative will unveil exclusive insights into Chinese loan finance from its core team of researchers. SAIS-CARI will explore:
• Who gets the Lion's share of the Dragon's loans?
• Did China Eximbank really lend more than the World Bank in Africa?
• What do Chinese loans pay for in Africa?
• What are the biggest Chinese loan-financed infrastructure projects in Africa?
Keynote Speaker: Deborah Bräutigam, Director of International Development Program and China-Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Oral Williams, Deputy Division Chief of Africa Department, International Monetary Fund
Scott Morris, Senior Fellow and Director of Rethinking US Development Policy, Center for Global Development
Daniel Runde, Director of the Project on Prosperity and Development, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Alexia Latortue, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of International Development Policy, US Treasury
Jyhjong Hwang, Senior Research Assistant, SAIS-CARI
Moderator: David Dollar, Senior Fellow at John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution
10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m., Thursday, April 21, 2016. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m., following the roundtable.
Johns Hopkins SAIS
The event is open to the public and media, with registration. Members of the working press may RSVP by completing the online registration form.
Media Contacts
Stacy A. Anderson
Communications Manager
Johns Hopkins SAIS
202.663.5620 office
202.853.7983 mobile
Janet Eom
Research Manager
China-Africa Research Initiative
Johns Hopkins SAIS
202.663.5962 office
For more information about the policy roundtable and China-Africa Week at Johns Hopkins SAIS, visit or @SaisCari.