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Publication of 2008 Issue of SAISPHERE Magazine

The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) has published the 2008 issue of its annual magazine, SAISPHERE. In this year's issue we asked several members of the SAIS faculty, scholar and alumni community to explore the theme, "Water: The New Reality" to coincide with our "Year of Water." The issue also includes "Priorities for the Next President," a special section where SAIS's senior faculty members offer a preview of President-elect Barack Obama's international affairs in-basket.

Main feature articles include:

• "The World Is Dry" by Erik R. Peterson

• "Getting to the Bottom of Water Scarcity" by Pieter Bottelier

• "The Mediterranean: Byway or Barrier?" by Esther Brimmer

• "The Price of Power in the Mekong Delta" by Frederick Z. Brown

• "Grains of Gold: Water in Central Asia" by John Daly

• "Hydrodiplomacy in the Middle East" by Shlomi Dinar

• "Canada: To Sell or Not to Sell" by Charles F. Doran

• "A Flood of Conflicts" by P. Terrence Hopmann

• "Ruling the Waves: American Sea Power" by Thomas Keaney

• "Is Technology the Answer? Balancing Water, Energy and Environmental Challenges" by Kenneth H. Keller

• "Water in China: Big Problems, Big Solutions" by David M. Lampton

• "The Risks of Rainfed Farming" by Karen Macours

• "Bolivia Struggles for Water" by Brian Norris

• "What Is Water Worth?" by Charles Pearson

• "Latin America's Water Crisis" by Riordan Roett

• "In Africa, the Fluid of Extremes" by Stephen W. Smith

• "Framed by Water: U.S. and Global Trade, Politics and Law" by Ruth Wedgwood

• "Women and Water" by Bridget Welsh

To request a printed copy of SAISPHERE, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes at or 202.663.5626.

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Press Release Type: 
Contact Person: 
Felisa Neuringer Klubes
(202) 663.5626