Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed to Speak at JHU SAIS
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) will speak at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on Monday, 07/31 at 6 p.m.
His lecture topic will be "Iraq: The Road Ahead" at this forum hosted by the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies at SAIS.
Reed, a former paratrooper and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, recently returned from his eighth visit to Iraq. His two-day fact-finding mission included stops in Basra, Baghdad and Fallujah, and meetings with America's top generals and Iraqi civilian leaders.
During his speech, the senator will address the progress we have made in Iraq and what must be done to stabilize the country, protect American interests, and allow U.S. troops to redeploy in a safe and timely manner.
John McLaughlin, Merrill Center senior fellow and former acting director of the CIA, will introduce the senator and moderate the discussion.
The event, which is open to the public, will be held in Kenney Auditorium located on the first floor of the school's Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., in Washington, D.C. Members of the public should RSVP to saispubaffairs@jhu.edu or 202.663.5648.
Media who want to cover this event should register with Felisa Neuringer Klubes in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at 202.663.5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.