SAIS Publishes New Issue of SAISPHERE Magazine
TO: Reporters/Editors
RE: Publication of New Issue of SAISPHERE Magazine
The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) recently published the 2001 issue of its annual magazine, SAISPHERE. Several members of the faculty examine how the new Bush administration is confronting key foreign policy issues, including American defense policy, international law and treaties, emerging markets, environmental policy, relations with China and Europe, and U.S. policy toward Iraq. While preparing their articles this past fall, our authors also incorporated the significance of the 09/11 attacks into their analyses, leading us to title this issue: "What's Next?"
Main feature articles include:
· "American Foreign Policy: The New Realism" by Francis Fukuyama
· "Multilateralism and the 09/Attacks" by Ruth Wedgwood
· "The New American Defense Policy" by Eliot A. Cohen
· "The Bush Administration's China Policy" by David M. Lampton
· "Closing in on Iraq's Saddam Hussein" by Geoffrey Kemp
· "Bush and the Europeans" by John L. Harper
· "Emerging-Market Strategies" by Riordan Roett
· "If Not Kyoto, What?" by Scott Barrett
For more information, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at 202.663.5626 or