Spring 2002 Pew Fellowships in International Journalism Announced at JHU SAIS
Washington - Central Asia, South Asia and East Asia are the destinations of four of the eight U.S. journalists who have been awarded Pew Fellowships in International Journalism for the spring 2002 program at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University.
Two U.S. journalists will report from India and one each from Tajikistan and Cambodia as part of their study and reporting fellowship in the Pew International Journalism Program. Each year, two groups of eight U.S. journalists are selected for the four-month fellowship program, which will be in its fifth year in 2002.
"We received more applications than ever. The events of 09/11th have motivated U.S. journalists to do more international reporting," said John Schidlovsky, director of the Pew International Journalism Program and a veteran former foreign correspondent. The deadline for applications for next spring's program was 10/1/2001, less than three weeks after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Pew Fellows spend a total of 10 weeks at SAIS studying international affairs and five weeks overseas in a country of their choice. They report on a significant news topic and offer the stories they produce to their news organizations or to other media.
The Pew Fellows for spring 2002 and the countries on which they will focus are:
Laurel Bowman, freelance video journalist, Washington D.C. - Tanzania
Tom Clynes, freelance writer, New York - India
Michael Flynn, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Chicago - Guatemala
Evelyn Hockstein, freelance photographer, Jerusalem - Tajikistan
Vanessa Hua, San Francisco Chronicle - Panama
Dawn MacKeen, freelance writer, New York - Egypt
Douglas McGray, freelance writer, Washington D.C. - India
Amanda Pike, freelance video journalist, San Francisco - Cambodia
Topics of the new Pew Fellows' reporting projects include the areas of international health, environmental issues, social development, immigration and refugees, cultural and religious clashes, post-conflict resolution and other issues.
The latest Pew Fellows were selected by a panel of distinguished journalists and scholars that included: Simon Li, foreign editor of the Los Angeles Times; Susan Collins, senior fellow, Brookings Institution; Robert DeVecchi, adjunct senior fellow, Council on Foreign Relations; David Aquila Lawrence, reporter, "The World," and Pew Fellow alumnus; Loren Jenkins, senior foreign editor, National Public Radio; Phyllis McGrady, senior vice president, ABC News; Seymour Topping, administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes; and David Zucchino, reporter, the Los Angeles Times.
The next deadline for applications is 04/1/2002 for the program beginning in the fall of 2002. For more information, call 202.663.7761, fax 202.663.7762, e-mail pew@mail.jhuwash.jhu.edu.
The Pew Fellowships in International Journalism are part of a wide array of activities conducted by the Pew International Journalism Program, which aims to encourage more global news coverage by the U.S. media. The program organizes conferences on international news themes, supports research and publications on global topics by journalists and provides a variety of short-term and long-term fellowships for U.S. editors, producers and senior correspondents.
The Pew Charitable Trusts support nonprofit activities in the areas of culture, education, the environment, health and human services, public policy and religion. Based in Philadelphia, the Trusts make strategic investments to help organizations and citizens develop practical solutions to difficult problems. In 2000, with approximately $4.8 billion in assets, the Trusts committed over $235 million to 302 nonprofit organizations. For more information see www.pewtrusts.com.
For further information contact Felisa Klubes in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at (202) 663-5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.