Gaining the Skill Set for a Career Transition
Teresa R. Breland
Accelerated Certificate in International Development '20
Prior to attending Johns Hopkins SAIS, Teresa worked for the Federal Government in the area of customs and international trade. In that role, she contributed to preventing products made with the use of forced and child labor from entering the United States.
Looking to build upon her expertise, Teresa decided to apply to Johns Hopkins SAIS based on its reputation for providing a premier education in the field of diplomacy and foreign affairs. Furthermore, Teresa wanted to transition toward a career with an NGO or non-profit organization, and she was confident that the school would provide her with the necessary resources and tools to achieve that goal.
As a student at Johns Hopkins SAIS, Teresa has really enjoyed all of her courses and admired each faculty member. She particularly liked how the classes were small, and therefore provided her the luxury of developing a close rapport with her colleagues. She also found the faculty to be very supportive in helping her succeed as a student. Furthermore, for Teresa acquiring proficiency in a foreign language has always produced some anxiety for her. However, she has found the school’s learning environment to be fun and engaging. A subject that has typically made her a bit apprehensive became one of the most enjoyable.
If Teresa could offer words of advice for non-degree students considering taking courses at the school, she would recommend making use of all available resources. In addition to the faculty who are experts in their field, the librarians are also a valuable resource of information and devote their time to addressing students’ specific research needs. The school is also surrounded by world-renown think tanks and host events/seminars related to many different areas of interest, which students' should definitely take advantage of.