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SAIS Brings Together the Brightest Minds

Felix Spiekerkoetter

Name: Felix Spiekerkoetter
Home Country: Germany
Degree: Master of Arts in International Relations (MAIR)
Scholarships: The Dean's Scholarship, Konrad Adenauer Scholarship

Before joining the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), what were you doing?

I was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. After my undergraduate studies, I wanted to live outside of the city and found myself in Bavaria, where I enrolled at the University of Bayreuth. My studies there focused on philosophy and economics, providing me with a solid foundation for analyzing complex political and social issues. Little did I know how perfectly this analytical and quantitative skill set would prepare me for my future studies at SAIS!

After my time at the University of Bayreuth, I was eager to complement my academic knowledge with real world experience. I spent time at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and Tesla's Gigafactory. While quite different from one another, these experiences reminded me of the importance for transatlantic cooperation, setting me on the path to try to understand it more deeply.

studying in Europe and in the United States was exactly what I was looking for because it offers the chance to gain diverse perspectives, both academically and culturally

What led you to Johns Hopkins SAIS?

SAIS caught my attention right away, particularly because of its Master of Arts in International Relations program. The opportunity to spend time studying in Europe and in the United States was exactly what I was looking for. It offers the chance to gain diverse perspectives, both academically and culturally, by immersing myself in different environments on both sides of the Atlantic.

At the same time, studying in two iconic cities — Bologna, one of Europe's oldest university towns, and Washington, D.C., the U.S. capital — didn’t sound too bad either!

Felix Spiekerkoetter

In January 2024, a group of students traveled to India as part of SAIS’ Technology and Security in Asia capstone trip.

What has been your favorite experience at SAIS and why?

My journey at SAIS has been nothing short of extraordinary and I have a hard time picking a highlight. At the top of the list is definitely the 11-day capstone trip to India.

This trip was filled with cultural activities and a packed schedule of meetings with government officials, private sector leaders, and think tanks. It was a unique opportunity to see our classroom learning come to life, from visits in satellite manufacturing facilities and cleanrooms to meeting rooms at India’s Ministry of External Affairs. This experience challenged our perspectives and required us to apply our knowledge in real-world scenarios, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Another important part of my SAIS experience was the honor of serving on the SAIS Student Government Association (SGA) during a pivotal moment in the school's history — our move to the new campus location.

What struck me most during my time on SGA this time was the exceptional quality of our student body. SAIS brings together some of the brightest students from around the world, creating a truly diverse and intellectually stimulating environment. This experience has consistently impressed me, broadened my horizons, and challenged my thinking.

think beyond the rankings and reputation … choose a school whose community you can see yourself thriving in.

What is one piece of advice you would give to students in the process of choosing graduate schools?

For someone coming from Europe, this might sound weird but a graduate school is for life. The network you establish during your time in grad school will outlive your two years in the program and will serve you for decades to come. You will build close-knit connections with your peers — who will turn into your friends and family — and you will lean on them, the alumni network, the faculty, and the school’s staff as you transition into your career.

For this reason, I urge students to think beyond the rankings and reputation — although SAIS has a high caliber of both — and choose a school whose community you can see yourself thriving in.
If you are looking to learn more about what it's like to be a current student at Johns Hopkins SAIS, we encourage you to schedule a virtual appointment with one of our Admissions Fellows.

Enjoyed reading Felix's experience? Learn more about our Master of Arts in International Relations.

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