Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith to Speak About U.S.-Russia Relations at JHU SAIS
Please be advised that due an unexpected travel commitment, Under Secretary Feith's lecture at SAIS has been postponed until a later date still to be determined.
Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, will speak at the Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) on Tuesday, 02/3 at 5:30 p.m.
Feith will speak about "Russia and the United States: National Greatness and National Security." At the Defense Department, his responsibilities include the formulation of defense planning guidance and forces policy, DOD relations with foreign countries and the department's role in U.S. government interagency policy making.
The event, hosted by the Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS, is free and open to the public. The lecture will be held in Kenney Auditorium located on the first floor of the school's Nitze Building, 1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Members of the public must RSVP to transatlanticrsvp@jhu.edu or 202.663.5880.
For more information, contact Felisa Neuringer Klubes in the SAIS Public Affairs Office at 202.663.5626 or fklubes@jhu.edu.