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Student Stories

Gaining Expertise in Youth and Rural Development

"If I could use one phrase to describe my student cohort experience it would be 'one-of-a-kind.'"

Gaining a Competitive Edge

"Daily, I have been humbled by my classmates, who undoubtedly will go on to solve some of the most pressing global issues after graduation."

An Enriching Education

"My graduate school experience has allowed me to grow, learn, and discover new opportunities, valuable friendships, and fantastic places."

Support from a Strong Alumni Network

"I believed Johns Hopkins SAIS, specifically the Hopkins-Nanjing Center (HNC), would prepare me the best for a career in China Policy and Risk Analysis."

Developing the Skillset to Navigate Geopolitics, Public Policy Development, and Foreign Policy

"At SAIS Europe, I have had so many “once a lifetime” moments – from the Vienna Ball to attending a talk with former EU Commission President Romano Prodi."

An Enriching Education in the Heart of Europe

"Johns Hopkins SAIS’s esteemed international reputation, extensive alumni network, and world-renown professors in both qualitative and quantitative fields influenced my decision to attend the school."

Advancing the Debate on World Affairs

"As the Editor-in-Chief of the SAIS Review, I am so thankful to be serving with an amazing editorial board staff, and I am excited for the international relations community to engage with the material we publish."

Gaining a Distinct Professional Advantage with Economics Expertise

"I had met several alumni who emphasized the school's tight-knit cohorts, great teaching and long-lasting networks as highlights of their own Johns Hopkins SAIS experience."

Following in the Footsteps of My Mother - a Johns Hopkins SAIS Alumna

"I grew up hearing about how amazing and life-changing Johns Hopkins SAIS is, as my mother, studied at the school."

Establishing My Network

"Diversity to me is not about political correctness but rather an effective way to solve the most challenging problems faced by a group, a company, a country, or the whole world."