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Student Stories

Nina: Once a Bolognese always a Bolognese

While working in supply chains, Nina became passionate about sustainability, particularly reducing greenhouse gas emissions in materials production and waste.

SAIS Experience Enhances Knowledge Gained from Military and Foreign Service Posts

I sought out a graduate program with a heavy economic and quantitative focus, and SAIS’ international economics concentration seemed to fill many of the gaps I had in my own understanding.

SAIS Public Service Scholar Balances Coursework and Family

Being able to delve into issues I follow professionally seemed really attractive and beneficial to complement my knowledge about the U.S. and international affairs in general.

Developing New Perspectives on Sustainability and Climate Change

The way in which the content of courses at SAIS directly aligns with my past experiences, current work, and overall interests allows for the classes to hold a lasting impact on my perspective.

Gaining Valuable Insight into the Security and Conflict Fields

Learning from my peers and hearing about their personal experiences, either living or working in the fields of security and conflict, have been my favorite experiences at SAIS.

Mikaela Yuchen Wang Named to Class of 2023 Schwarzman Scholars

Mikaela Yuchen Wang '22 is one of 151 young leaders from 33 countries and 106 universities selected to be in the seventh cohort of Schwarzman Scholars, one of the world’s most prestigious graduate fellowships located at Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

SAIS Student Team Wins AES Energy Innovation Challenge

A student team consisting of Ruta Karpauskaite '21, Aditi Kumar '22, Julia Fernandes Fonteles '21, and Caitlin Candee '22 won the first AES Energy-Innovation Challenge, which took place from October 4-November 12.

Gaining a Passion for Political Economy

The depth of SAIS’ reputation and access to career treks, alumni networks, panels, student organizations, speaker series, and career services has made SAIS an important experience in building an early career.

A Global Community of Scholars

When looking to apply to graduate school, Cristina Camacho was lucky to know many SAIS alumni at various stages in their careers, who each commended the school and encouraged her to apply. In addition, she was drawn to the world-class faculty, interdisciplinary academic opportunities, and the expansive network of alumni working on international development and social justice.

Empowering Women Globally

"My coursework has given me the opportunity to learn from professionals who have worked in the field while analyzing past and current conflicts through various perspectives."